Wednesday, April 16, 2008


it's ok to laugh at me!! but for my life i can not remember my PIN # for my ATM card. i went to the store to pay and man did it try every number i could think of!! so i runned to the car and i had some cash , and when i came back to pay, it wasn't enough. i owed 25 and some change and i only had 20, so i said take something out and just leave it at $20 and man there is still nice people out there. this guy offered to pay the $5 , i kept saying thank you while i tried packing all my stuff and controling the kids, stoping logan from jumping off the cart and the twins fighting!! ooh loving children!! and man its bugging me that i cant remember, i have gone to the ATM machine and tried every number i could think of and nothing!! what can i do??? so i will call my saving angel tomorrow and find out!! doorly, im sorry im a pain on your butty!! love ya all

p.s i also can not find a pair of shoes and some colors that i got for the kids. like i said im losing it!!


Jessica Martiele said...

You're not losing it, Ana; you're a mom. I'm a mom, too, and Mommy Brain is a chronic disease we contract 6 months before our first child is born when the baby starts sucking away our brain cells for itself. :) Then, with sleep deprivation and conversations that consist of "come see mummy!" and "don't hit!" and "time to go peepee!" WHO CAN BLAME US for being completely scatterbrained and, well, NUTS!?! :) You're fine...normal, even. It's just Mommy Brain. You'll get over it in about 10 years. Love ya!